Sometimes, there are errors in our records that we need to correct due to certain mistakes made in the input of information written in what we have submitted to our government records at the Civil Registry. This could be information stated in one’s birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, or certificates of no marriage. 

In order to correct these records, we make the mistake of registering another set of records thinking that through this action, this will then rectify the mistakes of the much earlier submitted records. However, this is not correct. The proper recourse in correcting one’s entries is either by filing a petition for correction of entries or by coursing it through the proper judicial proceeding. 

What Happens When You Subsequently Register a New Record in the Civil Registry?

According to the Philippine Statistics Authority Memorandum Circular No. 2019-23 on the Guidelines for Brenlinking/ Unlinking of Two or More Civil Registry Documents (CRDs) Loaded in the CRS Database, “In case of multiple birth records, the first or earlier date of registration shall prevail and must be issued to the client.” This means that even if you submitted a later corrected record, what will still be issued to you is the earlier submitted record, according to the guidelines.

How Do You Avoid Any Discrepancies in Your PSA Birth Certificates and Other Documents?

It is highly advised to use the information that was indicated in the certificates released as these are the information that was filed in the Civil Registry. To reiterate, the first information on record submitted shall be the one released to you. However, as previously mentioned, to properly change the information that was recorded in the Civil Registry, the corresponding process must be done either through a petition or a court proceeding. This, however, shall depend on the change that needs to be done. The change to be done to one’s records can either be something that is considered as minor corrections, such as a typographical error, or a major change that can affect the status of the person, sex, or nationality. 

Note, however, that the subsequent records that were erroneously filed resulting in the multiplicity of records in the Civil Registry may need to be cancelled.     

You may need to ask for assistance from the Local Civil Registry where your PSA birth certificate is filed on how to go about the process of cancelling the subsequent records, as well as on how to go about the pertinent process of correcting one’s records. You may also opt to seek legal advice to be competently assisted on the process.  

Need further information and assistance regarding Multiple Filing of PSA Birth Certificate? Talk to our team at Duran & Duran-Schulze Law to know more about the requirements and process. Call us today at (+632) 8478 5826 or +63 917 194 0482, or send an email to for more information.

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